Friday, July 08, 2005

Goodnight room, goodbye house

The kids are at my parents. Our outdoor-soon-to-be-indoor kitty is at the vet. Our other two indoor furbabies are curled up in my office asleep. A great night for a date night, right? Say dinner and a movie. Revenge of the Sith for the third time, maybe. Gotta love Star Wars. Not to mention the incredibly sexy Anakin Skywalker.

Well, we managed dinner--Curry in a Hurry in Lake O (the Pa Nang Curry is my fave), but the movie will have to wait until next week.

Tonight is the last night in our house. Imagine boxes and rubbermaid containers everywhere. Then double that. Not exactly the home I spent so many weeks preparing to sell. But it's done. We signed the paperwork this morning and the movers come tommorrow.

I only wish I'd known how hard it would be to move away from our first house. I knew I'd feel sad, but I never realized how weepy I would be. Everywhere I look is a memory. It's as if a VCR is playing all that happened within these walls during the last eight years. Unfortunately it hurts too much to watch.

Better get back to work. The attic still needs to be packed, and I have yet to reach my page quota for the day.