Friday, October 05, 2012

My Morning

The sound of a cat heaving woke me up at 5:45 am. I turned on the light and put on my glasses, just in time to see a hairball come flying out of Yoda's mouth.

What a way to start my day!

I cleaned up the mess then grabbed my MacBook Pro to write. I had a half-hour to work until it was time for my new editor to call from the UK. With the time difference, early mornings work best for phone calls.

The phone rang promptly at 6:30 am. She sounds very nice. We chatted about various things including my current manuscript. She told me the new title is THE MAN BEHIND THE PINSTRIPES. I told her I gave the hero a best friend who was in Special Forces. (See yesterday's blog if you want to know more about that.) She's also excited about Paulson's story, the next Hood Hamlet/Christmas Magic/Mt. Hood Mountain Rescuer story I'll write next.

The entire length of the phone call I was waiting for something to happen. Life here is chaotic. As soon as I place a phone by my ear, it gets worse which is why I expected a kid to barge into the room bleeding, wailing and in tears or two cats to start fighting beneath my bed where I was sitting.

Two kids did walk in, but promptly turned around when I gave them the look, the look that says not-now-unless-there-are-flames-or-blood. There wasn't. I also made a preemptive move, by chasing two feline fighters out of the room mid-conversation.

Now I've got one kidlet and a dog in bed with me while I try to write. Both should be asleep or downstairs eating breakfast. Both would rather be with me.

The not-so-glamorous morning of a romance writer!

I think it's time for my morning cup of tea sans milk and sugar! Hope you have a great Friday!