An Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face.
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.
Today is a big day around the McClone household. Early this am, a sneaky leprechaun paid a visit to the kidlets. Since all three gave up candy for Lent, the little guy left them shamrock shaped straws instead of chocolate gold coins. Unfortunately a night of playing board and card games was too much fun to stop to make our annual leprechaun trap (we still haven't caught one yet!) but there's always next year.
With our little Irish dancers, we're experiencing something new this year--performances! Mackenna has danced at events on her own before, but yesterday she danced at a retirement home with her dance school. Even though she thought they were doing the Light Jig instead of the Single Jig for one of the dances, she loved every minute of it! She'll be dancing again today and on Sunday. She's really loving being part of a group and dancing. Plus I'm guessing she thinks it's pretty cool to get out of school so she can dance. I know I would.
A couple of you (possibly the only ones reading this!) emailed me about my snow weekend in Bend. A little late, but here goes... We had a wonderful time up until Sunday morning when we were sledding. I took a step and one foot sunk two feet into an air pocket. That was enough to mess up my back. I spent three days in pain, had to ask for an extension on my proposal revision (still working on those!) and fell even further behind on stuff. But I'm slowly climbing out of the pit of overwhelmdom. And that's a good thing since I'll be entering deadline Hell as soon as the proposal is off.