Friday, February 05, 2010


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Somebody, perhaps one of my beloved furbabies, sure has soaked up my smartz. Seriously. I'm not sure what I was thinking last year when I agreed to be the crafts person for a girls group at a Catholic church in Portland. That's crafts for approx. 86 girls once a month.

Insane, I know. Several people told me not to do it. But I didn't listen.

I have only myself to blame. But it seemed like a good idea at the time. You see, my girls really liked attending the group. Stepping up when they needed someone seemed like the best thing for all of us at the time (this was pre-ski accident and gallbladder flare-up.) And even though the craft prep is a time suck, I do like crafting. I love coming up with project ideas, figuring out how to best make it work and shopping for materials. Unfortunately all that craft prep takes so much time the girls do not even want to be in the group next year. They would rather be doing something with me than watching me prepare something they will do with the moms that lead their groups.

Lesson learned.

Maybe if someone hadn't soaked up my smartz I would have learned it sooner!

Have you learned anything recently?