Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crazy Wednesdays Return

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Some things never change. Some animals and kidlets will keep a fave toy forever. Some days of the week will be crazy once the school year kicks into gear. Days like Wednesdays.

It happens every year. Wednesday is the day for extra enrichment classes, religious education/faith formation, swimming and for some reason tonight, soccer, too. (We're skipping the soccer.)

What's scary is total craziness doesn't begin until next week when the oldest kidlet adds in a music class, but I'm already forcing myself to take deep breaths when I look at the day ahead. I can count the hours I'll be home on one hand.

But this is really nothing new. I've survived Wednesdays for years now. I'll survive again. It's just that initial ramp up time that has me a bit flustered.

Do you have a crazy day? Any survival tips you care to share? I've already forgotten all mine!