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My cats and kidlets have looked at me with the exact same expression as on that LOLcat. The dog, however, doesn't seem to mind when I put a tiara or party hat on her head. She gazes up at me a little impatient, but still adoringly.
I guess I don't blame them. Who wants their mother dressing them? I sure wouldn't because I know I'd end up in the exact same outfit as my sister. We were born twenty months apart. I was the oldest, and I remember having so many things the same: jackets, dresses, outfits. Talk about annoying.
Except I'm guilty of the same thing. Yikes!
Something must happen to a woman's brain during labor and delivery. What else could explain a mother's fascination with matching clothes? There's a scene in the Wizards of Waverly Place movie where the family dresses alike during a vacation that just made me laugh. My kidlets didn't mind so much when they were younger. The youngest still likes it, but now I get that LOLcat look from the oldest. Sometimes, the middle one, too. After all, what boy wants to dress like his sister. Unless it's jammies. They love having the five of us wear the same pjs. Of course, no one outside the house sees us, so maybe that's why.
The cats hate clothing. That lesson took, oh, about a nanosecond and a couple scratches that drew blood to learn. So I've never felt compelled to buy the cats clothing. I must admit I couldn't pass up a Santa's hat and Reindeer ears that were on sale after Christmas one year. I love putting those on the cats at Christmas time even though they hate it. Though I haven't gotten scratched in years. I think they've finally realized when those hats go on, they'll soon be getting a stocking full of yum-yums. Fortunately, even though I don't buy kitty clothes, the girls have enough doll clothing that fits them if the urge to dress them up ever hits. Sometimes, when they do something really annoying, dressing them up is cathartic. Lucky for me, the cats are mellowing in their old age. Hisses have replaced scratching. My skin really appreciates that.
The dog fits into the kidlets' clothing. You may wonder how I know this. Well, Chaos has been dressed up in everything from a Superdog cap to a ballerina tutu. Not by me, mind you. The kidlets even dressed her up to be the teacher when they were playing school. I'm not sure what subject she taught. Digging bones, perhaps. I only dress my beloved dog up in hats. I have no idea why I like to do this except she looks so darn cute I can't help myself. Silly yes, but cuteness overrides all sensibilities especially when it comes to pets.
Do you ever dress up loved ones, either two legged or four legged? If not, what do you think when you see a family in coordinating outfits or animals in clothes?