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I feel like I've got my head in a sack like the lolcats. I'm still not feeling well, and I'm still trying to get the revisions done. I don't seem to be making headway on either. This is really getting old though the cats are thrilled with sharing naptime with me.
Sorry I haven't been blog hopping much, but I haven't been on-line much. If I'm not at my computer writing, I'm in bed. I took the kids to piano today, and it just about wore me out. At least I no longer have a fever so that is an improvement.
Luckily no one else has come down with it though my oldest said it hurt to swallow tonight which is how mine started last Monday. I'm praying it's something else. We've been rubbing Thieves Oil on the kidlets feet each night before they go to bed to try to keep them from getting sick. Not sure it'll work, but I figure it can't hurt.
Hope you're all healthy and that catslady hubby is feeling better!
Take care!