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I woke to three cats staring at me. The food bowl was empty. They expected me to get up right that moment and feed them. I usually do, but not this morning.
I guess they forgot one of them used my pillow for a litter box yesterday. I don't know if they were mad at me for being gone all day or because my oldest forgot to clean their litter boxes or if they didn't like Yoda napping on the pillow.
I didn't discover it until I was about to go to sleep and smelled something horrible on the bed. This was my favorite pillow in the whole world. I've had it for years. It's the only pillow that's comfortable and doesn't give me a sore neck. Needless to say, I was not happy.
Instead of feeding them like I do every morning, I went back to sleep. They could wait. When I woke up again, the three were still there. But this time they looked a little anxious. Maybe they won't take me for granted as much. But then again, their cats. Of course, they will.