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Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year! I was so happy 2009 was over I forgot all about blogging yesterday! We went to Mass (holy day of obligation), watched the Rose Parade, football games and I revised 94 pages of my manuscript. The easy part of the revisions. They will get much harder from now on.
I have come up with a few resolutions. During Mass, our priest told us that in spite of what many detractors say making resolutions or setting goals for the new year is necessary and a very good thing. Last year everything was pretty general. That didn't work so well. This year I'm getting much more specific:
1) Lose weight. 10 pounds is absolutely required. 15 pounds would be perfect. I'm still trying to decide if the No S Diet will be enough.
2) Workout. 3 days a week of doing something physical is absolutely required. 5 days is really what I really need.
3) Write. 5 days a week no matter what. This can be new writing or revising. I just have to do something to stay in the writing groove.
I also have some personal/family ones that I won't bore you with. They are less specific (i.e. no way to quantify.)
Do you have an goals or resolutions for the new year?