Friday, October 06, 2006

Firemen and Friday

Last night, the phone rang. Caller ID said it was hubby. He was at Irish dance class with all three kidlets. I answered the phone and all I could hear was the wail of a siren. Hubby said, "We're on the way to the hospital."

A million and one thoughts ran through my mind as I listened to the siren. None of them good. "Is it bad?" I ask, realizing then I had no idea who might have gotten hurt, sick, whatever.

"Gotcha." Hubby started laughing. "I went outside and there was this ambulance--"

"So not funny."

But the call reminded me about two firemen I'd seen at Starbucks last Thursday afternoon. You know I've been looking for "hotties" for my work in progress. Well, these two were perfect for the hottie team competing against my hero and heroine. So perfect I was tempted to ask them to pose with my two daughters so I could get their picture. But before I could ask or they could order their drinks, they left. As they walked past, I tried to memorize everything about what they looked like: height, build, hair, eyes, features. As they drove off, I saw they were actually paramedics. Not sure what I'll have the characters be. I actually thought attorneys, but firemen could work well. Ryan Sutter from The Bachelor was a fireman, too! And this would be a nice contrast with my finance hero.