Friday, November 14, 2008
Crunch Time
That picture is exactly how I feel. Although I got some good writing in until lunchtime, the rest of the day was a total wash. Hubby hasn't tried driving yet and was in some pain so I was left driving for yesterday's dance marathon. I spent an hour at a private Irish dance lesson, drove home to pick up the younger two kidlets then returned to the studio for four more hours of various kidlet classes. Considering it's a 30 minute drive each way, you can imagine how much writing I got done. I even brought sandwiches for dinner to try and get me extra writing time. Oh, well... what's an Irish dance mom to do?
The evening went from bad to worse when they told me they wanted to see if they could find a longer class dress (like a school uniform) for my oldest to wear next week at the Oireachtas (i.e. Western Regionals.) The first words out of my mouth were "We can't afford another dress right now." I was told we could see about renting one that was for sale. There was only one used dress that was longer in length, but the sleeves were too short. Thank goodness. I really didn't want to pay out any more money, especially for thirty seconds on stage. So she'll be dancing with a short dress. She'll have black tights on and silver kick pants. She's also only ten and competing in the U15 age group. It should be fine. At least that's what I'm telling myself and her!
Okay, I'm heading back into my cave. I'm entering the frantic, freaked out mode. This weekend is not going to be pretty! Virtual chocolate and hugs gladly accepted (hint, hint!)
irish dance,