see more Lolcats and funny pictures
I hope to spend my day like the kitty above. Minus the funny hate, that is!
I'm late posting this morning because I'm so sick, even worse then yesterday. Rose, our youngest, who was the only healthy one in the house complained of a sore throat. Not good. That's how it starts.
But I had to tell you the good news I found out yesterday evening.
The missing since August 25th cat who I've blogged about was found last night in the Custom's room at JFK last night! American Airlines posted a note about it on their Facebook page.
Jack was taken to a vet where his microchip was scanned. It was confirmed to be Jack and his owner notified! So exciting for all of us "Friends of Jack" (FOJ) who have been following the story via his Facebook page!
Two women, Bonnie and Angela, who've been part of the group on the ground at JFK looking for him, went to the 24 hour vet last night to see Jack (and meet him for the first time.) They said he was dehydrated and dirty, but had beautiful eyes! It's pretty amazing how a group of strangers brought together by a Facebook page has been looking for this cat. Jack's owner Karen lives in Los Angeles and her sister Mary Beth, who runs the Facebook page, lives in Florida. Yet all these people spent weeks helping on-site at JFK looking for Jack and trying to get the word out about him. For those FOJ's who lived far away, they emailed, called and faxed fliers to make sure local businesses knew about him. Very cool!
Here's an article from the NY Post about Jack! He fell through the ceiling into the Customs office and that's how he was found.
Hope you have a nice Wednesday. I plan to spend mine in bed which is exactly where I spent my Tuesday, too.