NaNoWriMo is now the priority. Well, after the kidlets and hubby and furbabies and field trip and speech. Oh, I can't forget the eldest's extra dance practice for the Oireachtas (Western Regionals) coming up on Saturday. And that's just today.
I found out on Saturday that I'm hosting our family Thanksgiving dinner, too. The holiday season hasn't arrived yet (though the stores don't realize this) yet my organizer already looks like it needs a vacation. I know I could use one! How about you?
In spite of a severe lack of writing time, I'm not giving up even though I have to be realistic. 50,000 words by November 30th just isn't going to happen. Still I'll keep plugging away. Miracles do happen and at least I'll have something to show by my efforts. I really do like this project, and with a new book due at the beginning of May, there won't be a lot of time to work on it come the New Year.
Before I forget, there's a contest on my website this month. Just click on the button on the right. If you read my diary, you'll have absolutely no problem answering the question!
The kidlets don't get up until after seven so I still have time to write. Have a great day!
Goldrush update: My nightmare came true. Okay, not exactly. I wasn't locked out of the game, but pretty close. I couldn't type the answers so I had to type them in my browser window, cut and paste them in the answer text box and submit. I was so bummed. I'm guessing no T-shirt since they were such easy questions. Oh, well... There's always Gold Rush 2!