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Hell must have frozen over because this is the first Black Friday in years I haven't been at the stores when they opened. I barely scanned the ads last night. No lists, no game plan, no laying out my clothes ahead of time. Hubby couldn't believe it since this is one of my favorite days of the year.
Not today though.
With the book due on Tuesday, I knew I wouldn't have all day to shop as I normally do, but I thought I'd pick one store and at least see if I could get a couple of things on sale. But by Thanksgiving night, after I'd done some of the dishes and was back at my computer struggling to write, I realized I was getting sick. Yeah, sick.
Pretty soon it hurt to swallow. My remedy of hot tea, lemon and honey did nothing to help. I popped a couple of Advil, some Vitamin D and crawled into bed even though I probably should have been writing. This morning I woke up congested. My head feels like it's going to explode.
It completely sucks. I am so ready for 2009 to go away. I want a healthy 2010.
I should probably be in bed, but I'm at my computer instead. I've needed too many extensions this year. I really don't want to have to ask for another one. I'll get this book finished somehow and when I turn it in, I'll tell my editor it's going to need revisions. Because it will unless the writer fairies pay me a visit tonight while I sleep and work their magic on the the manuscript.
Did you go shopping today? If so, what did you buy?