Thursday, June 10, 2010


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I'm getting pretty good sensing any sneakiness around here. Whether it's a kidlet or a furbaby I can spot it pretty fast. Sometimes pre-sneakiness. That always puts the funniest expressions on their face!

Slowly I'm checking off items on my To Do list.

- I had two email accounts with thousands (not exaggerating) emails. Some hadn't been read since my ski accident a year ago. I'm down to 8 unreads (can't find them no matter how hard I search) from 2800 and on another account 300 from 1500. I did a lot of deleting. The 1500 account was mainly spam. The 2800 had a lot of yahoogroups and other things.

- mountain of laundry is now just a hill

- printed a lot of research for my new story and started reading with highlighter in hand

- grocery store run. I hadn't been in a couple of weeks. Hubby was shopping during that time which means he only bought enough for whatever meals he had in mind. No extra stuff at all!

- continuing to put all the paper from the deadline crunch in the recycle box. I've got about 2/3's of it picked up.

- visited a few blogs and actually posted comments early this morning! It's great to catch up with my friends though facebook helps with that when I can't blog hop.

I'm going to try to get more done today before revisions wing their way back to me! Hope you're getting lots done wherever you are!