Monday, August 02, 2010


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I woke up to the sound of tears in the middle of the night. Rose was standing by the bed crying that her legs hurt. Growing pains, most likely. I told her to crawl in bed with us. A couple of sniffles later she was sound asleep.

Of course, the rest of the night I was jabbed and kicked. I've never seen a kid move around so much while she sleeps. But she woke up pain free and rested. Me, not so much.

But that's the price of parenthood. I wouldn't change it for anything. Not even when the kidlets act more like minions than angels!

Though I must admit I had second thoughts about one of the cats, Yoda, when I pulled him out of the toilet yesterday. He is rarely an angel, but he sure is cute!

Have a great Monday!