see more Lolcats and funny pictures
The goggie was sleeping with me this morning along with two cats. She kept trying to wake me up. The first time was at 5:15 am. I said no way. I didn't look at the clock again until a few minutes ago. 7:15. Oops. I definitely overslept. She was very happy to go outside and then eat breakfast.
Speaking of breakfast, that reminds me I never finished writing about our girls' weekend with Dru, who I met through this blog, and Amy, who I also met on-line before I had kidlets.
Friday morning we woke up at the Sylvia Beach hotel to another beautiful day. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky as I watched the waves roll into shore from our room. Shelley the cat, was waiting outside the door for us. We had a yummy complimentary breakfast downstairs in the hotel, wrote in the room's journal and headed out. As I was checking out, I did buy something that will be used as prizes in my upcoming contest!
We headed to the Newport Aquarium to see all the exhibits and marine life. From there we had lunch at the Rogue Brewery restaurant on that side of the bay and also took a tour of the brewery. For pics, you can click here to go to Dru's blog. I didn't have a camera with me.
We drove Amy home then headed to Cedar Hills Crossing to have dinner at Pastini's with a group of Rose City Romance Writers and attend Jessa Slade's booksigning at Powells. Then it was back home to wait for the family to return from an AKC breed specialty show for Norwegian Elkhounds where Mackenna competed as a Junior Handler for the very first time with Chaos.
So what have you been up to?