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My search for a hair stylist continues today. I'll be trying a new-to-me salon today, courtesy of my parents' birthday gift (cash). I did a lot of googling to figure out where I should go. I'd narrowed it between two salons, both in NW Portland that had several five star reviews on various websites like Citysearch and Yelp. It's a bit of a drive for me, buy I'm desperate. The ponytail has already returned, and those icky blond highlights from last summer are still there.
I just really hope I don't walk out of there with some variation of the same haircut every stylist keeps giving me. Even after I give them full reign to do whatever they want. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I had a nice day. Hubby surprised me with a chocolate donut with sprinkles for breakfast. I went to Nordstrom to buy my fave tinted moisturizer with birthday money from my folks, received phone calls from Amy and Tiffany, some emails and lots of Facebook notes on my wall.
I managed to get some writing done before I realized the notebook with all my revision notes was missing. Luckily hubby found it after my searches had come up empty.
My family took me to a neighborhood Thai place for dinner. We came home to chocolate cake and presents! I got two writing books from hubby, a foot scrub and crystal dog w/ a curled tail like Chaos from Mackenna, a framed picture of him from one of our lake hikes and box of Crunch and Munch from Finn and a suncatcher she colored, foot soak salts and a Butterfinger from Rose!
Hope you have a great day!