Friday, April 12, 2013

The False Prince

As a mom (not to mention a writer), I love when a story captures a kid's attention so much the book is carried everywhere with them. A few spare minutes means time to read another couple of pages. The most recent book to do this was The False Prince: Book 1 of the Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Easter Bunny left the book in Finn's Easter basket. There was also a copy of Special Forces Military Elite magazine which got read first. Though the first thing he took out of the basket was a water pistol. As hubby said, nothing says Easter like a gun!

Once Finn started reading The False Prince he was hooked. If you've read this blog, you know my son is athletic and a very busy boy. He's not the type to sit around. He'd rather be outside running and playing. Yesterday, with the sun shining, he was sitting inside finishing the book. I can't imagine a greater compliment for a book.

As soon as he finished last night, he asked me to look up the next book in the series called The Runaway King: Book 2 of the Ascendance Trilogy. Looks like we'll be buying a copy today or ordering one if we can't get to Target.

Not sure how the Easter Bunny knew this was the perfect book for a 12 year old boy, but well done, Bunny!