After five years of homeschooling, I sent all three of my kidlets off to school this morning. The oldest, a sophomore, had started full-time school her freshman year. I figured I'd just keep the other two at home until it was time to send the off to high school. So much for plans!
The past three years, the kids attended a two day a week parent partnership program at an alternative school. I volunteered half a day for each kid. Add in the commute time (half an hour each way) and they really weren't away from me that long.
This is a huge change.
Tuesdays have never been this quiet in the house unless we were gone. Right now we would normally be at piano lessons. But I need to redefine "normal" around here.
Did I mention the youngest two are taking the bus? They didn't want me to walk them to the bus stop this morning. Neighbors were showing them how it all works.
I knew I'd miss them, but I really, really miss them.
I keep waiting for someone to yell, "Mom" or want help with an assignment or need something from me. At least, the cats will want lunch in a couple hours. Until then I'm off to find some chocolate and write a letter to a soldier. Then maybe I can work on the new story.
What are you up to today?