Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cooling off

The temperatures are finally bearable. Thank goodness.

I've been busy coming up with my own reality television show that I'll be using for my next book. It's an idea approved by my editor, not the continuity that just sold. Anyway, if you've read this blog, you probably know which reality show is my favorite and will be inspiring the game I must make up.

So if you love The Amazing Race and have any challenge ideas or places you'd like to see that haven't already been on Seasons 1-9, please let me know. I'd love some brainstorming help on this. I'm thinking a 10 - 12 race legs, one for each chapter. I already have three countries I want to use, but I need more. A lot more. I already have a name for the show and it does need to be different from TAR so I'm trying to come up with different rules and stuff. Anyway, I've been spending lots of time reading about all the seasons of TAR and it's been so much fun. Definitely bringing back lots of memories (and contestants) from years past!