Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another Scorcher

Yesterday, the kidlets and I spent the day trying to escape another day of 100 degree plus temperatures. We visited friends (who have a/c), went shopping, cooled off at the speech therapy office, picked up our harvest share at the CSA farm we belong to and ate dinner at Izzy's (always a kid favorite.) We were gone from noon until 7:30 pm. Of course, it was still hot when we got home.

Today is cooler. Thank goodness. I was either going to have to spend the night at a friend's house or stay in a hotel. Yes, I'm a total wimp when it comes to heat. I lived in Arizona for three years (three summers too long!) and I'd rather be cold than hot any day.

With all this driving around in my air conditioned mini-van, I'm even further behind on the new proposal, but the kids are going out today so I may get some work done finally!

At least I won't have a lot of email to bog me down since many of the writers on the email loops I belong to will be gone! I can finally catch up on all my email and clear out my inbox!!!