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World domination isn't high on my To Do list. I don't think I'd be a very good ruler of the dark side. Just look at the design of this blog. A little too cheery for the dark side don't you think?
But I do like to rule this house. With the kidlets, cats and dog it's a recipe for disaster when the rulership goes amiss. Like now.
I haven't been feeling all that great with my arm/hand/neck issues and then the minivan issue. That means all the camping gear from the 4th of July is still in the foyer. We've dug a path to get through it. Bad, Melissa. Really, really bad!
I finally went to the grocery store yesterday, and not just to pick up enough stuff for a meal or two. It was the first time in over a month I actually shopped.
I must be feeling better because I can't take it any longer. This is the week I can finally hit my To Do list hard. All three kidlets are in camp from 9 to 3 every day. That will give me time to write, read my page proofs that just arrived Friday, clean and organize. I cannot wait!
What's your week look like?