Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Snow day

Tuesday's Tally:

New pages written: a lot but you wouldn't know it based on the lost pages (goal: 6.2 pages per day)
Old pages revised on paper: 20 pages (chapter four)
Pages of revisions typed in: 20 pages
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: 7 pages lost if you look at total, but it's really a lot more than that (unfortunately)
Total page count to date: 95 (goal: 200)
Days remaining until D-day: 36 days
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0

Chocolate consumed: A piece of Williams Sonoma peppermint Bark (stocking stuffer)
Junk food consumed: Slice of Baskin Robbins ice cream cake (but I would have rather had a bottle of Jubile ale)
Exercise: none (stayed in bed most of day and actually got dinner in bed. Love my wonderful hubby!)
Television watched: none
Tears: none (but wait, they'll be coming soon!)

I checked back in the archives to see where I was with the book I wrote in six weeks back in 2005. The good news is I'm not to far off from that page count. The bad news is I'm not to far off from that page count. If you're new to this blog, 10/05 was a very hard month for me. Totally my own fault, but I promised myself I wouldn't get myself in that situation again, yet here I am. Ready to enter panic mode.

Maybe I'm worrying about nothing. The first four chapters are really solid. Chapter five is almost there. I have the rest of the book outlined by chapter, too, including what countries will be visited. Next up, Argentina where the racers will learn to tango, eat bbq (not just your typical ribs) and trek across a glacier.

I'm guessing if I just had book#1 to write, I wouldn't be so concerned. But this multi-book thing is brand new to me and it's going to take some real planning. I still need to write a new synopsis for book #2 which means I'm having to do some research now. Luckily, I found a great pilot, who is helping me find an emergency landing spot in a remote wilderness, and I'm hoping to connect with some search and rescue (SAR) types.

Of course, instead of writing today, I'll be playing in the snow on Mt. Hood with the family so I really can't complain too much! I figure I can always write on my alphie during the drive. Plus I love being in the mountains so I'm justifying the day by saying it'll be a good way to fill the creative well! Something I'm definitely going to need to get me through my Jan 31st and June 1st deadlines!