I thought a new storm was expected to blow in so I was surprised to awake to a clear blue sky. Surprised, but very happy! The temperature was in the thirties, but has creeped up to the low forties. A gorgeous December day! Just what I needed after going to bed late (2 am-ish.)
I wanted to take the kidlets for a hike around the lake, but we ended up with an extra kidlet last night because a friend is giving birth to #10, and though we had enough gloves and hats, the only extra coat was pink and purple. No go for an nine year old boy. So instead of a hike, we went to the Portand Children's Museum. Lots of children laughing and crying. Pizza Schmizza for lunch. The kidlets had a blast.
Hubby is watching them ride their bikes right now. The littlest one is napping next to me. And I'm finally getting a chance to put words on the page. Well, the screen if you want to get technical.
Hope you're having a great day!