This picture sums up those times perfectly:
more animals
Yes, characters do talk to you. And sometimes you don't like what they say. Here's my most recent scenario...
Hero: Give me amnesia.
Me: What?
Hero: Don't have me remember meeting the heroine.
Me (off to google amnesia to see if it's actually plausible): There's something called retrograde amnesia, but that means you probably suffered brain damage. It's not going to work.
Hero: Come on. Would I lead you astray? Just try it.
Me (after writing ten pages of a hero with amnesia): I told you it wouldn't work.
Hero: No worries. I'm still a hottie and you love me.
Me: Sigh...
And then there's always the brainstorming an idea part of a writer's life. I found this clip on the Pink Heart Society blog and thought it was hilarious.
Okay, back to the story! I've fallen behind in my reading once again. It always happens when I start a new manuscript. What are you reading right now?