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It was one of those crazy busy weekends again. I totally forgot it was the weekend before St. Patrick's Day. That meant my oldest had three different performances this weekend. It's also her birthday a week from Monday and we're throwing her a party on Sunday so I had to get things for that. Needless to say, my "priorities" got totally shifted around. To top it off both my printers ran out of toner! Ack! That required a run to Office Max this afternoon!
One thing that got accomplishment, however, was getting the rest of the contest wins packaged up. Finally. I had hubby help me. I'd misplaced one of the boxes and couldn't find all the books so we had to move things around to find where they were. Anyway, the remaining ones are now packaged and ready to go to the post office tomorrow. That'll be his job! He's off work this week so I'm giving him a "honey do" list.
I still have some time left tonight for more situps and pages. Fingers crossed I get something, other than attending Mass this morning, done this weekend!
How was you're weekend?