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The birthday celebration for my oldest continues! Today is her actual birthday. She turned 11 at 3:43 am this morning. I'd rather not think about what I was doing at that time eleven years ago with the two neonatal nurses, an OB I'd just met about fourteen hours or so before that, a labor/delivery nurse and a paramedic guy observing. Oh, yeah, hubby was there, too.
This morning was chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. My youngest kept wanting to have Mackenna open presents, but I convinced her we should wait.
In understand her impatience. Last night after the movie, I took the two younger one to Target to buy their sister a gift. I'd planned on giving them each a couple of dollars to pick out some little thing. They both surprised me by pulling out their own money. They wanted to buy her something nicer. (Their fighting led to them not being able to buy each other Christmas gifts so I think they wanted to make it up to her.) Of course, they wanted to each pick out the perfect gift which took a very long time. But it was worth it and I can't wait to see Mackenna's face when she opens their gifts.
I still haven't uploaded the photos from the party, but will do. I have a field trip this afternoon with Mackenna and also need to put together a snack for her girls' club meeting tonight!
Hope you had a great weekend!