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I took a break from my computer this weekend aside from a couple Facebook status messages and Tweet on Twitter. Instead of sitting at my computer, I actually got out and had fun with my family. It felt so good!
Here's the recap:
We drove to Seattle on Friday night. The kidlets were Irish dancing on Saturday. It was a short, but welcome vacation. Swimming at Marriot's lovely Atrium pool on Friday night, putting three exhausted kidlets to bed, and having a brief, but needed date in the hotel's lounge with my hubby. We hadn't had one of those in forever!
On Saturday, the kidlets competed. Everyone came home with at least one medal so a good showing. They also swam some more. Always a good thing to do when you have a pool available.
I was able to visit with my wonderful friend Elizabeth Boyle, who drove to the hotel so we could have coffee between competitions on Saturday. She wrote about our visit on our blog so you can read all about it here. What she says is so very true! I can't wait to see her again!
The hardest part of the trip was leaving Chaos. My parents couldn't dogsit so we had to put her in a kennel. It was so sad leaving her there. She only spent one night, approx. 36 hours there in total. We made it home before 9 pm on Saturday so could pick her up. She was so happy to see us! And us her. Of course, she's been wanting to be next to us or on top of us all the time. Our 49 pound lap dog!
On Sunday we went to Mass. It was such a beautiful day we decided to go hiking before it got too hot. We quickly changed clothes, grabbed a first aid kit, water and Chaos collapsable water bowl and headed out on a hike around the lake. Fun times! Last night was family movie night. The five of us watched Inkheart. After the kidlets went to bed, hubby and I watched Fireproof.
On the writing front, I'm waiting to hear about the book I just sent in. I also started on another project. This is the book I was working on when I was asked to write the continuity. The working title is Rescue Me. It's a sequel to my November '08 release, Rescued by the Magic of Christmas, and the hero is mountain rescue team leader, Sean Hughes. His Siberian Husky, Denali, is in there, too!
How was your weekend?