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The one thing I love about using public restrooms...privacy. At home someone (kidlet, cat, dog) always wants to be in there with me. Sometimes more than one. If I shut the door, watch out. That can result in tears, meowing, scratching and barks. It's nice to be loved, but is a few minutes alone in the bathroom too much to ask?
Yesterday, Chaos turned 4! I took some time off to take her on a birthday walk. It was so hot we didn't go far because I didn't want her to get overheated, but she enjoyed it. Tonight she's remained plastered at my side due to all the fireworks being shot off. She really doesn't like them.
The writing marathon continues. I'm making progress. Yay! But I still have a ways to go. Boo!
Not sure what's going on with my thumb. I've done the exercises to regain mobility and that's going well. Unfortunately, it's hurting and by the end of the day more swollen than when I wake up. I'll probably call the doc tomorrow because I really don't know if that's normal or not.
What's random in your life today?