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Can you believe it's almost Christmas? I sure can't.
Yesterday though, my oldest and I got to spread a little Christmas cheer. Her 4H club adopted two families.
It really was a moving experience for all of us. The first family had two young children. As the gifts and food were being carried into their duplex by the girls, tears flowed from the parents' eyes. These are two adults who didn't ask for anything for themselves because they didn't want to take away from their kids' Christmas. The 4H coordinator, however, did manage to get their sizes and wish list during a phone call so they weren't left out.
We'd done giving trees before, but we'd never had the opportunity to deliver the items until yesterday. It also provided a couple of important lessons. My daughter really saw how good she and her siblings have it, as well as how you can make a difference in somebody's life.
Today I woke up to a revision letter! The changes will make the book much stronger. The best part is they aren't due until mid-January so I won't have to kill myself over the holidays!
I'm going to read over my letter a few times and then wrap presents! How is your Christmas prep going?