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I finished and emailed the manuscript to my editor. I'm too tired to cheer. But I owe my critique partner Virginia Kantra huge kudos for reading scenes as fast as I could wrote them. Yay, V! She's got a January deadline so I'll make it up to her.
Sorry for not blogging as much while living in my dark, lonely cave. I've been completely anti-social, but I had no choice in order to make my deadline. That's why I've done hardly any blog hopping in the last week and no Facebook or Twitter for awhile now.
I've been so good. Let's hope Santa brings me something nice like the Castle Season 1 DVD!
Thanks so much for your support. Give me a day or two to catch up on my sleep and feel better, and I'll be back to my old routine from like a year ago! I'm out of contract now which means no deadlines for awhile. I just need to submit some ideas for new books and wait for revisions to come back on this one and the AAs on the Vegas continuity.
It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas...