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As the weather continues to pound Mount Hood and hamper the search for the two missing climbers, I can't help but think of the rescuers and the frustration they must feel as well as the families and friends. A tough situation all around.
But it just reminds me what wonderful people the rescuers are. They are volunteers who use their skills and mountaineering expertise to help people in need whether they are fellow climbers, hikers, snowboarders, etc. That's why they make such great heroes in romance novels! And, if my editor gives me a chance to write a third Mount Hood book, heroines, too!
With all the coverage going on up there, I'm itching to get back into my Mount Hood book but I haven't received a revision letter. This story doesn't have as much search and rescue stuff going on as the first one, but yesterday I saw a picture on-line of the rescue team leader who has helped me with this recent story and immediately knew something I wanted to add to the manuscript!
I've been thinking a lot about a friend, also a PMR member whose fall on Mt. Hood in January, made me rethink (and eventually change) the whole plot of the new Mount Hood Christmas book. He graciously opened up about the fall, his own rescue and his recovery.
Well, better get some more writing in! Hope you are having a good day.