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Watching Yoda play has been so much fun! Now that I have some free time on my hands, I've been playing, too! The kidlets and I have been having lots of fun together. I'm still doing some writing, but the focus right now is family and Christmas! Fun times! (I'm just going to pretend my Wednesday schedule isn't as insane as usual!)
I heard this morning from Wedding Planners author, Susan Meier. She told me one of my books was nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Best Harlequin Romance. I'm pretty psyched! It's my second time being nominated. The last time was back in 2002 with my Silhouette Romance, In Deep Waters, which won that year. No doubt a little celebration will be in order!
Hope you have a great day. I'll be running around even more today than usual, but that's okay. Now that I'm feeling better I don't think it'll be so bad! Take care!