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I've changed from my church clothes into my sweats. A cup of iced tea sits on the table beside me. I can't stand the taste of coffee, but I love tea both iced and hot! It's almost time to start writing.
First, I wanted to remind you of the contest that's been running on this blog all month. Each comment on the blog gives you an entry into my book giveaway.
My good friend and Avalon author, Shirley Marks, and her sweet daughter collected these books at various RWA national conferences they attended while I stayed home. I've been meaning to give them away, but life and my health got in the way. I figured now was as good a time since things always seem to be crazy around here.
As you can see there are lots of books.
Most of the romance genre is represented: category, contemporary, historical, paranoral, suspense, thriller, etc. A lot of different authors. Some well-known, others that may be new to you.
There are ARCs, paperbacks, trades, a CD and a couple hardbacks. Four boxes of books in all. Some titles have more than one copy.
I hope you can see everything clearly!
For books with more than one author, we decided to go with the author's name who was listed first. With this many books, we just needed to get it done!
My 10 year old son is the one put them in alphabetical order for me. He worked diligently putting all the titles out on the carpet. He had three rows of them in perfect order until Chaos wanted to see.
Thanks to the dog, he had to start over again. So sweet of him to do this for me!
Hubby took the pictures and uploaded them for me. A family effort this weekend!
I also have a package of Novel Tea that I'll be giving to the three winners!
On my Girls' Weekend with blog readers Dru and Amy in August, I picked these up at the Sylvia Beach Hotel, where we stayed in Newport, Oregon.
More contest info is located on the navbar, but it's pretty simple. To enter, comment on this blog. Each comment gets you an entry.
Three winners will be chosen at random from all the comments posted through March 1st.
You may have multiple entries, but you can only win once. That's something I'm changing from my other giveaways. But I really want to give as many people as I can the change to win free books. I hope you understand!
Are there any titles in the picture that catch your eye? What are they?
And are there any you've read that you'd recommend to the winners?
Hope you have a great Sunday!