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Remember when I posted about speaking to two 7th and 8th grade classes about writing and revising last week? They sent me the sweetest Thank You card yesterday. Everyone from both classes had signed it. They also enclosed a Starbuck's gift card. It was so thoughtful and nice of them! I was very touched.
I can't wait to get to Starbucks. I've been out of the house only a handful of times this week. It's been really nice getting so much rest. Of course, I feel like a total slug. I keep telling myself I should have written more, but all that sleep was definitely needed. I think the happiest in our household have been the cats. They've enjoyed long days napping with mommy!
Today, I hope to get caught up on my writing. Sleep sort of took precedent this week. I have managed to get a few key scenes written and some research done. Monday, I plan to start back at the beginning and spend two weeks pulling it all together!
Expecting Royal Twins did get a very lovely review from Long and Short Reviews. I was so thrilled when I read it. You can find it here.
I'm not doing any virtual book stop tours today. I've tried to spread them out a little bit. But it's been fun reading all the comments at the various blogs! You can still comment on them for an entry into the giveaway. The links are on my news page above.