Yesterday while hubby cooked lunch, Chaos started acting very strange. Her curled tail uncurled. She walked around the downstairs as if lost. I told hubby that she was afraid the smoke detector was going to go off. He laughed, saying I was crazy.
Last night the same thing happened when he was fixing dinner. Chaos looked so nervous. And then the smoke detector went off. The dog freaked as she usually does when that happened. She was on my lap, cowering and trembling so much we wrapped her in a blanket. It was heartbreaking to see her so scared. I tried to get her to go upstairs, but she wouldn't budge. It took over an hour for her to settle down. Poor baby!
I started thinking about her actions prior to the alarm going off. I wonder if she smelled something ahead of time or knows when daddy turns on the fan on the stove the chances of the loud noise sounding goes up. Maybe it was simply the noise from the fan. She doesn't like the vacuum cleaner, either. She obviously knew something was up.
It'll be interesting to see how she acts today during meal time prep!
Still dragging a bit here. I hope to get back to more online stuff soon, but right now trying to rest as much as I can when I have free time.
Hope you have a great Thursday. I keep hoping the rain will go away, but it returned again! I want sunshine! What's the weather like where you are?