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You know you're a crazy cat lady when seeing the above pic makes you want to put clear containers around the house to see exactly how your cats do it!
I'm heading off to the doctor's today. Hoping to get something else that will get this sinus infection out of here once and for all. I've had a headache now for a couple of days. So not fun! I was going to have Yoda blog for me yesterday, but it was just too much!
Not much to say, except one of my blog readers and very good friend, Dru, alerted me to this post on Daily Cheap Reads. The kindle version of my RITA finalist book, Christmas Magic on the Mountain, is on sale for $1.24. The paperback version at Amazon is only $2.46. The large print version is even less, $1.30. Okay, sales pitch over!
On the writing front, I'm giving my hero a conflict redo. Heard back from my editor and she likes the new direction. Huge sigh of relief since the book is due a month from today!
Other than that, I head back to the doctor this morning. Anything going on with you?
Also don't forget to comment if you want to enter the contest to win a $10 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. I don't think I've posted info about it under the contest tab yet, but there's a post below about it.