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The things our furbabies put up with. I must admit we have put a Yoda hat/hood on ours. Rose wore it as part of a Halloween costume when she was two. Now she was a seriously cute Yoda!
Spirit is feeling a little better. She's found herself a place away from everyone, but within eyesight of me to rest. Smart kitty since Yoda just jumped off the bed and on top of Smalls when she walked by the bed. Guess he's practicing his Ninja moves.
Today is the last day of the classes I teach at church. I enjoy them, but am ready for the break until fall.
Still can't beat this sinus thing. The late night at the vet hospital has not helped. I'll give the new medicine a couple more days to kick in then I'm calling for something else. I wan to feel better!
This morning I'll be preparing for the last class and then tonight I'm reading through the page proofs of Firefighter Under the Mistletoe. What are you up to?