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I'm grumpy this morning. I spent a nice evening with the family, dinner and watching Star Trek, something I've wanted to see since it came out a couple years ago. Everyone, except me, was tired from a swim meet so went to bed around 9 o'clock. I thought this would be a perfect time to read another of my RITA entries so I stayed up and read one cover-to-cover. My fave way to read!
I was all set to sleep in this morning since we'd decided last night to go to Mass after the swim meet today. Then Hubby's alarm went off at 2:30 am. Of course, Rocket decided that would be the perfect time to be rubbed. Then hubby's alarm went off again around 6:30 am. Chaos decided I should be the one to feed her, never mind everyone else in the house was awake. Rose needed a hairband a little after 7:00 am and only I could find it. Needless to say, my sleeping in didn't happen and I'm very grumpy this morning from lack of sleep.
Maybe I'll get a nap later!
A reminder... my monthly website giveaway is coming to an end. Be sure to post a comment if you want to be entered to win a $10 amazon or gift card. There haven't been as many comments this month as in the past so you're odds are pretty good!