Friday, January 06, 2012

Two LOLcats

I've always said I can usually find a LOLcat that fits what's going on in my life. Today is no different. Let's start with this one...

funny pictures - Iz Already Gud at It!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This was me yesterday. I wasn't on the floor flat on my stomach, but I was in bed on my back. Not exactly lazy, but sick. I woke up not feeling well. I made it to the orthodontist's office at 7:30 am or Mackenna's retainer appointment, then drove the kidlets to school. When I got home, hubby took one look at me, told me to get in my jammies and go back to bed. That's what I did and stayed there all day long.

Then there is this LOLcat...

funny pictures - Yu . . yu . . . still lubs me, rite?
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

While I was at the kids' school, I received a text hubby. Yoda managed to get into the Magic Box (aka the pantry.) He found an unopened bag of dry cat food. I've moved all the cats to a canned and raw food diet. (I think they miss the all day eating whenever they want of dry food, but this is healthier for them.) The little devil ripped open the bag (one I was planning to donate to the humane society) and had himself an extra serving (maybe four) of breakfast. Hubby has no idea how long Yoda was in there eating, but he seemed to be enjoying himself! Bad kitty! But we still love Yoda no matter what he does. And I've gotta admit, our Ninja Cat is pretty resourceful.

Hope you have a nice Thursday!