Sunday, September 02, 2007

Name Game

Something about my hero's first name (Matt) has been bugging me for a few days now. Every time I went to type it in I'd catch myself typing in another male character's name or hesitating. Last night I realized my problem.

In my December 07 release, Win, Lose...or Wed!, I have a secondary character named Matt. Not only is he named Matt, but he's a paramedic. Matt Porter in Christmas on the Mountain is a search and rescue guy. But they are totally different characters.

It's a little too close, don't you think?

Luckily, the AAs for SOS Marry Me are sitting right next to me so I can change Matt Porter's name in there, too. He makes a brief appearance in that story. The problem now is I need a new first name. Some names just come to me, but other times, like now, I draw a blank. Not good when I need to come up with something by tonight so I can make the change before I email my proposal.

Anyone want to help? The new name must fit with the last name Porter and sound good with my heroine's first name Carly.

Here's a list I came up with after scanning a list of climbers I found via google, but I'm not limiting his name to these:


Do any of those sound like a search and rescue hero-type guy who also owns a brewpub? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!