Friday, September 07, 2007

Hero Worthy?

For the first time, I've been using a real person's picture (i.e. not someone normally in the public eye like an actor or model) as the inspiration for my SAR hottie hero, Jake Porter. I found the picture on the Internet eight months or so ago doing a google search and just sort of imagined this hero looking like him. This wasn't someone I knew. The problem is I have gotten to know him a little now (strange how things work out like that), and as hubby put it, "Have you told this guy you have his picture up on your monitor 24/7 and will be staring at it every day for the next five months?"

Maybe it's no big deal. Hubby has no problem with it. He knows I'll be on to the next inspiration once the book is finished. But it could be embarrassing if I ever meet the guy in person and say, call him Jake. So...

I've been thinking of finding another inspiration. Since I'm doing AAs right now on the other book I have a few more days to make up my mind. But I thought I should maybe have a backup or two in case I do decide to go with someone else.

Here's a video clip of a possible hero. Just so you know, Jake Porter's character traits are as follows: 32 years old, blue eyes, killer smile, brown hair, athletic build, six feet tall. He climbs mountains, rescues lost and injured climbers, plays with kids and runs a brewpub. Oh, yeah, he also romances the heroine at Christmastime.

Ace Young has been in the running for one of my past heroes, but lost out in the end. He's got the look I love (seriously, one of my fave eye candies) and I think he could provide the inspiration I need for Jake.

What do you think? Is Ace hero-worthy? Can you see him as Jake Porter or not?