This is Angus, an adorable and friendly Wheaton Terrier. The kidlets have been asking to get a dog forever. Hubby has said no forever. But our friends needed someone to watch Angus this week, so we volunteered for the job. Needless to say, the kids (well, Mackenna and Rose since Finn is at school) are counting the hours until we pick him up. The only ones not excited about the temporary addition to the McClone household are the three cats.
I'm ready to play dog auntie. I have Angus' raw food defrosting in the fridge. I have his bones on the counter. Long walks around the neighborhood will have to wait until hubby gets home due to my ankle, but other than that I think I'm set. Still if you have any dog tips, please let me know. The last time I had a dog was back when in high school and my mom took care of everything. But seriously, how hard can it be?