Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm late, i'm late...

Sorry for not posting the camping report. I hope to do it at the airport while waiting for my flight which is delayed two hours. At least American Airlines called to tell me. Of course, they called at 3:15 am. Argh! I had trouble falling back to sleep after that.

Anyway, yesterday was spent in a rush to get packed. Stops at Costco and Nordstrom. A visit to have a French manicure, pedicure and my eyebrows waxed. A dash by the dry cleaners to pick up my two dresses for Friday and Saturday nights. I also splurged on a new dress at a place called Accentuates. I'm going to wear that dress on Thursday when I have a tea party for Harlequin Mills and Boon authors and another party put on by my literary agency.

Okay, gotta get to the airport. They have wireless so I should be able to get some blog stuff done!

Hope you are doing well!