Here's the tally up until now:
New pages written: Please no more new pages!
Old pages revised on paper: all
Pages of revisions typed in: all
Pages lost or gained due to revisions: I'm trying to lose as many as I can
Total page count to date: 219 (goal: 200 pages)
Days remaining until D-day: less than 24 hours
Emails from editor in UK: 0
Emails from agent in NY: 0
Chocolate consumed: Halloween candy
Junk food consumed: Halloween candy
Exercise: Does opening a pack of M&Ms count?
Television watched: You've got to be kidding.
Pictures of Hayden downloaded: Too tired to look
Tears: Too exhausted to cry
Weight loss: Let's not even go there.
I've spent the last 6 weeks trying to write pages, now I'm desparate to delete them! Oh, the joys of writing. This is it. I'm panicked. Worried. Exhausted. I'm still plugging away at it. I will continue to do so until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer. I'm still hoping to give it a final read out loud tonight before I email it to my editor. If not, I'll do that during the copy edit stage.
Gotta get back to work now! Oh, and Happy Halloween!