Thursday, May 29, 2008


Back in January we donated a dinner that we'd put on for eight people. We set the date in February if I remember correctly. Well, it's tomorrow night. Bad, bad planning on my party, but I really hadn't planned on having a book due when I set the date.

It's a Texas BBQ theme. As of ten o'clock this morning, I'd done nothing to get ready except send email reminders to the guests. I called hubby from Crossfit and told him to call three of the couples since I hadn't gotten a reply to my reminder. I spent the rest of the day trying to get ready for the party. It's been hell. I'm still not done.

Of course, my editor wanted ideas for the cover which I emailed tonight. There are more pages to write though I set a very minimal goal for myself on Thursday and Friday so should have no trouble reaching that. In case you're wondering I've yet to write a word, but since I didn't blog yesterday wanted to at least do something tonight. And I really can crank out three pages pretty fast since I've had a scene in my head most of the day.

I did Crossfit today. That's the one thing I've been making time for especially since my climbing partner has been two busy to climb. I'm still feeling sore from the Thrusters I did on Tuesday. Ouch!

Warm-up: 750 m row
Skills: Sumo deadlift high press (SDHP)
Workout: 2 Rounds of Run, 10 SDHP (10 lbs barbell) and 10 air squats.
Cool down: Roll my way-too-tight legs and hips

Hope all is going well in your corner of the world. I'm feeling very isolated and alone right now. I really hate deadline time.