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It's been a couple days now since we switched our clocks back. I long for the days when I lived in Arizona. I hated the heat in the summertime, but we never had to mess with the time.
I don't know about you, but I hate this spring forward, fall back. It's just not worth that one our of sleep once a year. Okay, I know there are supposed to be more benefits, but still...
I'm having no trouble waking up in the morning which is good especially while on deadline. But neither is my seven year old which is bad. She's been up at least an hour early the past two mornings. And it doesn't matter what time she goes to bed. At least it hasn't the last two nights.
Not really a kid, unless you count fur-covered ones, but Chaos adjusted fine the first morning. It's been hard come feeding time ever since then. The cats...well, their cats and pretty much do and eat when they want to.
What do you think? Are you for the time changes or would you rather we not touch our clocks ever again?