1) A link: A very nice review of my book Wedding Date with the Best Man is here on The Good, the Bad and the Unread. I don't send out review copies (due to lack of time and my general avoidance of PR) so it's always a special treat when I can read a review of one of my books. I'd never heard of this site before, but it came across my google alerts. It's a good one!
2) A LOLcat: What can I say? I have to have a daily LOLcat dose to make it through my day. This one fits my kitties to a T. And I have to admit, lately Chaos has been living up to her name. Yesterday she tore into a garbage bag and made a mess! Not a good dog!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
3) A Song: I love this! This clip is from last week's Glee and features Darren Criss, who is a great new addition to the show. The arrangement of Katy Perry's Teenage Dream and background vocals are done by these guys. Remember the Beelzebubs from that Sing Off! show? I sure do!