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Isn't that LOLcat so cute? Total warm and fuzzy picture. We've never had a puppy, but I remember the kitty stage.
I also remember the baby stage. My oldest becomes a teenager tomorrow. It's hard to believe she'll be thirteen. She's so excited! I'm not quite there yet. My parents are driving up today to take her out to an early birthday lunch.
The big buzz in the writing world is about Barry Eisler walking away from a $500K advance to self-pub eBooks. There are tons of articles and blogs about this so just google his name and they'll come up.
I understand why he did it. I'm just surprised he isn't doing both—trad publishing with a big house and eBooks on his own. Yes, he can do print books via Amazon, but can those books get into places like Walmart. Maybe they can. I'll be honest. I don't know that much about eBook publishing, but I do know at the online retailers I seem to sell more ebooks than paperbacks!
Speaking of eBooks, have you seen the Electronic Publishing Bingo Card that John Scalzi made? It's here if you want a look.
On my writing front, I heard back from editor. She liked all four of my book ideas so the choice of which one to right next was mine! I picked one that stems off my eHarlequin on-line read, Snow-Kissed Reunion. Another Hood Hamlet story, but set in the spring not Christmastime. It's going to be so much fun to write!!!
Of course, I need to finish revisions first. I typed in some changes yesterday. I managed to cut four pages. I need to cut a lot more though. Much of my climbing research is going away. It's interesting, but not really adding value to the story so it must go. I keep cutting, then adding more words to different sections as I revise. A vicious cycle!
On the home front, Smalls' eye is still bothering her. I keep putting in the medicine and praying she'll stop squinting. It's getting better, but we still have a ways to go yet.
Everyone else (furbabies and human) are healthy! Knocking on wood it continues!